Center News & Outreach

News Release
MIT News | Oct 28, 2021
Study underscores need for aggressive climate mitigation and adaptation policies to prevent future ‘Day Zero’ droughts in dry, populated regions around the world
News Release

New work within the Joint Program to establish a state-of-the-art integrated model of climate and health aimed at identifying targets that deliver climate and health co-benefits

News Brief
Oct 21, 2021
Talk explores using energy-economic models for climate-related financial impact analysis
News Brief
Oct 07, 2021
MIT Joint Program researchers to present recent findings on global and regional change
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News Release

With the MIT campus as a test bed, a citizen science effort provides lessons well beyond MIT (MIT Office of Sustainability)

News Brief
Aug 20, 2021
The economics of adaptation for rail, roads and coastal development
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News Release
MIT News | Aug 12, 2021
Study shows need to identify domestic and international pollution sources in policy design
News Release
MIT News | Aug 06, 2021
Study gauges the pace of shifting to battery power
News Release
Aug 03, 2021
New study applies emerging analytic method to scope out potential tipping points
