Center News & Outreach

News Release
MIT News | Jul 19, 2021
In the sector where emissions are hardest to cut, carbon capture could be the sharpest knife
News Release
Insights, news, projects, publications and other developments at the MIT Joint Program
Recent Event
Jun 28, 2021
Lead authors of the MIT Joint Program's signature publication present the Outlook's projections of future energy, water, food, climate, and policy prospects
Recent Event
Jun 24, 2021
Six MIT Joint Program researchers and collaborators serve as presenters and moderators
News Release
Imperial College London | Jun 08, 2021

MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev to serve as co-principal investigator on "Nature-based solutions for accelerating climate action," one of seven projects supported by the Imperial-MIT seed fund (Imperial College London) (Additional coverage: IAMC)

News Release
May 24, 2021
2021 Global Change Outlook shows how more aggressive policies can sharply reduce climate risk
News Release
Farm Journal Foundation | May 20, 2021
New report shows how U.S. agriculture can fight climate change
News Release
MIT Spectrum | May 03, 2021

MIT partners with Cambridge on flood-risk model for local, global benefit (MIT Spectrum)

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News Release
MIT Energy Initiative | Apr 23, 2021

Symposium highlights ambitious goals of MIT–industry research targeting technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (MIT Energy Initiative)

News Release
MIT News | Apr 16, 2021
In the Northeast, Canadian hydropower could make it so
