Past Events

November 24, 2014
Adam Schlosser will present a synopsis of recently published and ongoing analyses from experiments with the MIT Integrated System Model (IGSM) that includes modules which track land use, energy use, as well as water resources for large, managed river basins. The numerical experiments address future risks in a global context but this talk will also focus regional lenses over the United States and a large portion of Southern and Eastern Asia. Overall, the insights gained from the experiments point to actions, which can mitigate and/or adapt to risks and thus protect future energy, land, and water resources from undesirable futures.
November 17, 2014
MIT Professor Kerry Emanuel will begin by reviewing the evidence that we are indeed entering a new epoch in Earth's climate history and then discuss the challenges it presents for civilization. Among these challenges is the increased incidence of high-intensity hurricanes, which even today are the leading cause of insured losses among all natural disasters. There will be discussion about his group's research on this important and interesting phenomenon, including ideas on how their activity may change over the next century.
November 06, 2014 - November 07, 2014
Join the MIT Climate Colab for "Crowds & Climate: From Ideas to Action," on how new technology-enabled, crowd-based approaches can help in developing creative new ideas and taking meaningful action on climate change.
October 16, 2014
Dr. Peter Molnar, professor of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, and fellow, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
October 15, 2014 - October 17, 2014
SESSIONS: Budget for Cumulative Carbon Emissions; COP-21 Prospects; Technology Options in Power and Transportation; Low Probability-High Impact Climate Risks; Risks and Options for Water, Food and Energy; Perspectives on a Prospective Post 2020 Agreement
October 14, 2014
Speaker: H. Langley DeWitt, Research Associate, Laboratoire Chimie Environnement, Université Aix Marseille
