Past Events

April 15, 2015
Speaker: Jochem Marotzke, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg Observations suggest a hiatus in global surface temperature rise since 1998, whereas most climate models simulate continued warming. What causes this difference? Do climate models respond too sensitively to the increase in greenhouse-gas concentrations such as that of carbon dioxide, and thus overestimate climate change systematically? Or has the discrepancy arisen by chance? And what is the relevance of this discrepancy for our assessment of long-term anthropogenic climate change?
March 31, 2015
Speaker: R. Andreas Kraemer with A. Denny Ellerman as discussant
March 31, 2015
A diverse panel of experts will explore what hinders the communication of the climate change, and examine strategies that can be employed to shift the global climate debate and to inspire action.
March 12, 2015
A conversation with MIT students, faculty, staff, and senior administration on current and potential strategies for measuring and creating a plan to reduce MIT’s contribution to climate change. By examining our greenhouse gas footprint, this innovative event—a first for MIT—invites all contributors to help envision and shape our roadmap towards a lower-carbon institute. Get ready for hands-on, brainstorming event.
January 26, 2015 - January 30, 2015
Join graduate students from MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change for five info-packed Independent Activities Period (IAP) lectures covering the science, economics, and media coverage of climate change, climate policy and other global change issues.
January 21, 2015
Join the MIT Climate Conversation with a talk by Dr. Larry Linden, MIT alum and former General Partner and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs. From growing up in smog-filled Los Angeles, to MIT, the White House, and then a career on Wall Street, Dr. Linden describes the experiences and transformation that has brought him to launch an effort to move the politics of climate change in the United States.
