Past Events

January 24, 2012
Spend part of your IAP learning about cogeneration-based district energy, a highly-efficient way to satisfy the electrical and thermal power needs of cities. We'll tour the GenOn Kendall Cogenertation Station, and learn about its role in supporting the Veolia Energy-Dalkia district energy network around Cambridge and Boston. Guest speakers include Rowan Sanders (Veolia Energy North America) and Tob Thornton (International District Energy Association).
January 20, 2012
Speaker: John Moskal, EPA New England The discussion will provide an overview of the electric generation and transmission system for New England, and the environmental, economic, and policy factors influencing development in the region over the next 5 - 10 years. Topics such as renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency will be discussed. Open to: the general public
January 20, 2012
Although usually invisible to the naked eye, wind carries enormous amounts of energy. Come to learn about the sources and forces of this energy and basic quantitative approaches to its assessment.
January 19, 2012
The characterization of the mechanical properties of source rocks will be addressed from well logging as well as from core testing, focusing on describing tools and processes specific to those rocks. It will be shown how determination of in situ conditions is used to decide where to place the horizontal well and what hydraulic fracturing stimulation scenarios to expect.
January 19, 2012
This class, cosponsored by Knight Science Journalism at MIT, focuses on the production of several short videos about climate change, meant for web distribution. The goal will be to explore, visualize or enliven topics around climate science with visual/dramatic originality, surprise, suspense or humor. Reaching a broad audience is the intent.
