Science & Engineering of Gas Shales: Hydraulic Fracture Modeling and Design

January 20, 2012,
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Speaker: Brice Lecampion

in less than five years, gas shale has revolutionized the energy economy of the United States. Production from shale already constitutes more than 20% of the US natural gas supply, and the rest of the world will soon be exploiting this resource at a similar scale. Four one-hour lectures will introduce the geology, analytical chemistry and mechanical properties of this increasingly important rock type.
January 17 - January 20, 2012, 1-2pm, 1-390
Modeling of hydraulic fracture propagation is required for the design of a successful stimulation treatment. After an overview of a stimulation job, the components of hydraulic fracturing modeling will be briefly presented. The different regimes of hydraulic fracture propagation will be discussed in light of typical field values. Current methods for the monitoring of hydraulic fracture growth will also be reviewed.
Open to: MIT-only