Peer-Reviewed Research

Journal articles and book chapters.

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1999-10
Skolnikoff, E.B. (1999).
Environment, 41(5): 16-20, 42-45 [Download]
Journal Article
Tian, H., J.M. Melillo, D.W. Kicklighter, A.D. McGuire and J. Helfrich (1999).
Tellus B, 51(B): 414-452 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Tian, H., J.M. Melillo, D.W. Kicklighter, A.D. McGuire and S. Pan (1999).
Eos Transactions, 80(46): F56, Abstract B22B-01 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Book/Chapter
Reprint 1999-7
Jacoby, H.D. (1999).
Climate Change Policy: Practical Strategies to Promote Economic Growth and Environmental Quality, C. Walker et al. (editors), American Council for Capital Formation Center for Policy Research, Washington, DC, pp. 151-169 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1999-15
Xiao, X., J.M. Melillo, D.W. Kicklighter, A.D. McGuire, H. Tian, Y. Pan, C.J. Vorosmarty and Z. Yang (1999).
Sistema Terra: Remote Sensing and the Earth, 8(1-3): 96-109 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1999-6
Valverde Jr., L.A., H.D. Jacoby and G.M. Kaufman (1999).
J. of Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 4: 87-101 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Valverde A., Jr., L.J., and M.D. Webster (1999).
Energy Policy, 27(10): 613-622 [Read Full Article]
Ellerman, A.D., R. Schmalensee, P.L. Joskow, J.-P. Montero and E.M. Bailey (1999).
Pollution for Sale: Emissions Trading and Joint Implementation, S. Sorrell and J. Skea (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., UK, pp. 27-42
Yang, Z., and H.D. Jacoby (1999).
International Environmental Agreements on Climate Change, C. Carraro (ed.), Kluwer, Boston, pp. 57-75 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Book/Chapter
Reprint 1999-8
Ellerman, A.D. (1999).
Climate Change Policy: Practical Strategies to Promote Economic Growth and Environmental Quality, C. Walker et al., editors, American Council for Capital Formation Center for Policy Research, Washington DC, pp. 119-132 [Download]
Journal Article
Tian, H., J.M. Melillo, D.W. Kicklighter, A.D. McGuire, B. Moore III and C.J. Vorosmarty (1999).
Nature, 399: 535-536 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Reiner, D.M. (1999).
Environment, 41(10): 4 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Mayer, M., C. Wang, M. Webster, J. Fitzmaurice, G. McRae and R.G. Prinn (1999).
Eos Transactions, 80(17):S31 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1999-12
Reilly, J., R. Prinn, J. Harnisch, J. Fitzmaurice, H. Jacoby, D. Kicklighter, J. Melillo, P. Stone, A. Sokolov, C. Wang (1999).
Nature, 401: 549-555 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1999-11
Wang, C. and R.G. Prinn (1999).
Chemosphere - Global Change Science, 1(1-3): 73-81 [Read Full Article]
