Peer-Reviewed Research

Journal articles and book chapters.

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2014-26
Dutkiewicz, S., B.A. Ward, J.R. Scott and M.J. Follows (2014).
Biogeosciences, 11, 5445–5461 [Download]
Journal Article
Santer, B.D., C. Bonfils, J.F. Painter, M.D. Zelinka, C. Mears, S. Solomon, G.A. Schmidt, J.C. Fyfe, J.N.S. Cole, L. Nazarenko, K.E. Taylor and F.J. Wentz (2014).
Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2098 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
M. von Lampe, D. Willenbockel, H. Ahammad, E. Blanc, Y. Cai, K. Calvin, S. Fujimori, T. Hasegawa, P. Havlik, E. Heyhoe, P. Kyle, H. Lotze-Campen, D.M. d'Croz, G.C. Nelson, R.D. Sands, C. Schmitz, A. Tabeau, H. Valin, D. van der Mensbrugghe and H. van Meijl (2014).
Agricultural Economics, 45(1): 3–20 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
 • China Energy & Climate Project
Reprint 2014-19
Nam, K.-M., C.J. Waugh, S. Paltsev, J.M. Reilly and V.J. Karplus (2014).
Energy Economics, 46(2014): 186-201 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
 • China Energy & Climate Project
Reprint 2014-4
Qi. T., N. Winchester, V.J. Karplus and X. Zhang (2014).
Energy Economics, 42(2014): 204-212 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-38
Paltsev, S., E. Monier, J. Scott, A. Sokolov and J. Reilly (2013).
Climatic Change, Volume 131, Issue 1, pp 21–33 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-23
Monier, E., A. Sokolov, A. Schlosser, J. Scott and X. Gao (2013).
Environmental Research Letters, Volume 8, Number 4 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-29
Cosseron, A., U.B. Gunturu, and C.A. Schlosser (2013).
Energy Procedia, 40C: 58-66 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-6
Chen, Y.-H.H. (2013).
Energy Economics, 39(September): 53-65 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
 • China Energy & Climate Project
Reprint 2013-24
Zhang, D., S. Rausch, V. Karplus and X. Zhang (2013).
Energy Economics, 40(November): 687-701 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-33
Lu, X., D.W. Kicklighter, J.M. Melillo, P. Yang, B. Rosenzweig, C.J. Vörösmarty, B. Gross and R.J. Stewart (2013).
Environmental Science & Technology, 47(3): 13230–13238 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-17
Winchester, N. and S. Rausch (2013).
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 103(3): 320–325 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-21
Parpas, P. and M. Webster (2013).
Automatica, 49(6): 1663–1671 [Download]
Journal Article
Reilly, J.M. (2013).
Climate Policy, 13(S1): S155–S158
Conference Proceedings Paper
Bar-Or, R. and C. Wang (2013).
Conference Proceedings, European Geophysical Union General Assembly (Vienna, April 22–27) Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15: EGU2013-12604
