Publications: Energy Transition

Working Paper

Moniz, E., H. Jacoby, A. Meggs, R. Armstrong, D. Cohn, J. Deutch, G. Kaufman, M. Kenderdine, F. O'Sullivan, S. Paltsev, J. Parsons, I. Perez-Arriaga, J. Reilly and M. Webster (2011).
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Energy Initiative, June [Read Full Article]

Working Paper

Kassakian, J.G., R. Schmalensee, G. Desgroseilliers, T.D. Heidel, K. Afridi, A.M. Farid, J.M. Grochow, W.W. Hogan, H.D. Jacoby, J.L. Kirtley, H.G. Michaels, I. Perez-Arriaga, D.J. Perreault, N.L. Rose, G.L. Wilson (2011).
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Energy Initiative, December [Read Full Article]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2011-9

Paltsev, S., H.D. Jacoby, J.M. Reilly, Q.J. Ejaz, J. Morris, F. O'Sullivan, S. Rausch, N. Winchester and O. Kragha (2011).
Energy Policy, 39(9): 5309-5321 [Download]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2011-10

Chen, Y.-H.H., J.M. Reilly and S. Paltsev (2011).
Energy Policy, 39(9): 4713–4725 [Download]

Conference Proceedings Paper

Karplus, V., M. Babiker, S.G. Paltsev and J.M. Reilly (2011).
Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Conference Paper, Presented at the 14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Venice, Italy, June 16-18) [Read Full Article]


Paltsev, S., and V. Karplus (2011).
Presentation, Society of Automobile Engineers 2011 Government/Industry Meeting, Washington, DC, January 26 [Download]

Conference Proceedings Paper

Paltsev, S. (2011).
Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Conference Paper, Presented at the 14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Venice, Italy, June 16-18) [Read Full Article]

Reilly, J., H. Jacoby, R. Prinn and R. Schmalensee (2011).
The Huffington Post, May 20 [Read Full Article]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2011-7

Wang, C., and R.G. Prinn (2011).
Environmental Research Letters, 6(2): 025101 [Download]

Journal Article

Nam, K.-M. (2011).
Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(3): 855-907 [Read Full Article]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2011-8

Nam, K.-M. (2011).
Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(3): 855-907 [Read Full Article]

Journal Article

Reilly, J., and A. Crimmins (2011).
Mechanical Engineering Magazine, January 10 [Read Full Article]


Karplus, V. (2011).
Workshop Presentation, Using National Household Travel Survey Data for Transportation Decision Making: A Workshop, The Keck Center of the National Academies, Washington D.C., June 6-7 [Read Full Article]

Student Dissertation or Thesis

Ereira, E.C. (2010).
Master of Science Thesis, Technology and Policy Program, MIT [Download]

Student Dissertation or Thesis
 • China Energy & Climate Project

Nam, K.-M. (2010).
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT [Download]
