Publications: Africa
Chinta, S., C.A. Schlosser, X. Gao and K. Hodges
EGU General Assembly, EGU24-20374 (doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20374)
Desport, L., A. Gurgel, J. Morris, H. Herzog, Y-H.H. Chen, S. Selosse and S. Paltsev
Energy Economics, 129, 107244 (doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2023.107244)
Odunola, T., ..., K. Strzepek, et al.
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Board 1877
Strzepek, K., Brent Boehlert, et al. (main contributors)
World Bank,
Schlosser, C.A., A. Sokolov, X. Gao, T. Thomas and K. Strzepek
Joint Program Report Series, August, 23 p. [Download]
Odunola, T., . . ., B. Boehlert, K. Strzepek, et al.
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, H42K-1417
Zhang, D., . . ., S.D. Eastham and A. von Donkelaar
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, A15O-1434
Anvari,V., C. Arndt, F. Hartley, K. Makrelov, K. Strezepek, et al. (2022).
South African Reserve Bank, Working Paper Series WP/22/09
Wheeler, K., M. Jeuland, K. Strzepek, et al. (2022).
Environmental Research Letters, 17(8)
McCluskey, A., K.M. Strzepek and A. Rose
Renewable Energy Focus, 41, June, pp. 33-54
Payet-Burin, R., M. Kromman, S.J. pereira-Cardenal, K.M. Strzepek and P. Bauer-Gottwein
Frontiers in Water, (doi: 10.3389/frwa.2021.778003)
Arndt, C., S. Gabriel, F. Hartley, K.M. Strzepek and T.S. Thomas
The Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy, doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192894199.013.16
Schlosser, C.A., A. Sokolov, k. Strzepek, T. Thomas, X. Gao and C. Arndt
Climatic Change, 168(28) (doi: 10.1007/s10584-021-03235-5)
Payet-Burin, R., M. Kromann, S. Pereira-Cardenal, K.M. Strzepek and P. Bauer-Gottwein
Frontiers in Water, Online first (doi: 10.3389/frwa.2021.672382)
Schlosser, C.A., A. Sokolov, K. Strzepek, T. Thomas, X. Gao and C. Arndt
Joint Program Report Series, [Download]