Correction to "Sensitivity of distributions of climate system properties to the surface temperature data set", and Sensitivity of distributions of climate system properties to the surface temperature data set

Joint Program Reprint • Journal Article
Correction to "Sensitivity of distributions of climate system properties to the surface temperature data set", and Sensitivity of distributions of climate system properties to the surface temperature data set
Libardoni, A.G. and C.E. Forest (2013)
Geophysical Research Letters, 40(10): 2309-2311

Reprint 2013-9 [Download]


In this correction, we fix the mismatch that existed between model and observational annual averages. When calculating annual averages from model output, seasonal means were averaged, resulting in a given year being the average from December through November. When calculating annual averages from observational data, monthly means were averaged, resulting in a given year being the average from January through December. To correct for this 1 month mismatch, all annual mean temperatures derived from observations are calculated as December to November means, subject to the threshold criterion described in Libardoni and Forest [2011]. Because decadal mean temperatures are used for the surface temperature diagnostic, the 1 month shift in the averaging window has minimal impact on the resulting observational time series. Across all five decades and four zonal bands, the temperature differences due to the 1 month shift are at most 0.05C. The revised time series are not shown.

© 2013 American Geophysical Union


Libardoni, A.G. and C.E. Forest (2013): Correction to "Sensitivity of distributions of climate system properties to the surface temperature data set", and Sensitivity of distributions of climate system properties to the surface temperature data set. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(10): 2309-2311 (
  • Joint Program Reprint
  • Journal Article
Correction to "Sensitivity of distributions of climate system properties to the surface temperature data set", and Sensitivity of distributions of climate system properties to the surface temperature data set

Libardoni, A.G. and C.E. Forest

40(10): 2309-2311


In this correction, we fix the mismatch that existed between model and observational annual averages. When calculating annual averages from model output, seasonal means were averaged, resulting in a given year being the average from December through November. When calculating annual averages from observational data, monthly means were averaged, resulting in a given year being the average from January through December. To correct for this 1 month mismatch, all annual mean temperatures derived from observations are calculated as December to November means, subject to the threshold criterion described in Libardoni and Forest [2011]. Because decadal mean temperatures are used for the surface temperature diagnostic, the 1 month shift in the averaging window has minimal impact on the resulting observational time series. Across all five decades and four zonal bands, the temperature differences due to the 1 month shift are at most 0.05C. The revised time series are not shown.

© 2013 American Geophysical Union