Xaquín holds a PhD in Economics from the University of the Basque Country (2017) and a degree in Economics (University of Alcalá, 2011). The main objective of his thesis dissertation was to explore the distributional implications of environmental protection policies. He has undertaken scientific stays in Universities of Germany (Oldenburg University) and Spain (University Rey Juan Carlos I). Despite Xaquin is a young researcher, he has been already quite active with publications in peer-reviewed international field journals and presentation in many of the main international congresses. His doctoral thesis won him the Enrique Fuentes Quintana prize (FUNCAS, 2018). Xaquin completed a two-year stay as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Joint Program under the Marie-Curie Global Fellowships program. His main research interest is to create and spread knowledge in the field of energy, climate change and public economics and the distributional impacts of climate change mitigation policies.