Earth Day Colloquium with Andy Revkin: Building the #Knowosphere: How new ways to share and shape ideas can help build durable progress on a finite planet

April 23, 2012,
3:00pm - 4:30pm

Stay tuned for pictures and a news story after the event.

Andrew Revkin is the senior fellow for environmental understanding at Pace University's Academy for Applied Environmental Studies and writes the award-winning Dot Earth blog for The New York Times. He has spent nearly three decades covering subjects ranging from the assault on the Amazon rain forest to the troubled relationship of climate science and politics.


From 1995 through 2009, he covered the environment for The Times as a staff reporter. His quarter century of coverage of global warming has earned most of the major awards for science journalism along with the John Chancellor Award for sustained journalistic excellence from Columbia University. Revkin has been a pioneer in multimedia communication, blogging and shooting still and video imagery in farflung places. He has also carried his journalism to a new generation in The North Pole Was Here: Puzzles and Perils at the Top of the World, the first account of Arctic climate change written for the whole family. His other books are The Burning Season, which was the basis for a much-lauded HBO film, and Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast.

Revkin lives in the Hudson River Valley with his wife and two sons. In spare moments, he is a performing songwriter and plays in a folk-roots band, Uncle Wade.

Co-sponsored by the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, the MIT Energy Initiative and the Program in Atmospheres, Ocean and Climate.

For additional information, check out this news article.