Join the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change and the MIT Energy Initiative for Dispatches from Paris: Reflecting on the Climate Talks with COP21 Attendees.
In this informal panel discussion with members of the MIT community who participated as observers in the recent UN climate talks in Paris, we recap and reflect on the agreement that emerged from COP21, as well as hear first-hand accounts of the negotiation process and surrounding events. What were the outcomes of the meeting, and what do they mean for climate change? Who were key players in the negotiations, and what were the roles of non-governmental entities in the process?
Special Guests
Ellen Czaika, Ph.D., Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Researcher on Sustainable Infrastructure Planning Systems
Michael Davidson, Ph.D. Candidate, Engineering Systems, Institute for Data, Systems and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, ICF Fellow
Jessica Gordon, Ph.D. Candidate, Environmental Policy and Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program
Joseff Kolman, Bachelors of Science Candidate, Political Science and Physics