Five or fifty: How many dimethylsulfide (DMS) oxidation reactions do you need?

Conference Proceedings Paper
Five or fifty: How many dimethylsulfide (DMS) oxidation reactions do you need?
Lucas, D., and R.G. Prinn (2001)
Eos Transactions, 82(47):A52D-09


The oxidation of dimethylsulfide (DMS, CH3SCH3) plays a critical role in the global sulfur cycle because DMS is the largest source of natural atmospheric sulfur and because the products of DMS oxidation may significantly influence Earth's radiative budget. For these reasons it is important for global sulfur models to use a DMS oxidation mechanism that correctly produces oxidized sulfur products under a variety of conditions. However, given the large number of reactions, species, and branches in the DMS oxidation chain, previous global sulfur studies have used highly parameterized versions of the DMS mechanism. We test the capability of these parameterized versions by adding a detailed DMS cycling package to the global 3-D Model of Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry (MATCH). We use MATCH to calculate the sensitivity of oxidized sulfur products to the choice of DMS oxidation mechanism. Two parameterized mechanisms, taken from previous global sulfur studies, and two comprehensive mechanisms based on the Yin \ et \ al. mechanism [Lucas and Prinn, 2001, JGR, under revision], are run in MATCH under identical conditions. We present results showing that DMS and SO2 are relatively insensitive to the mechanism choice, while other species such as H2SO4 and methanesulfonic acid are more dependent on the type of mechanism. We also show the differences in the budgets of the major species in the DMS cycle for two distinct remote marine regions (equatorial and mid-latitude Pacific).


Lucas, D., and R.G. Prinn (2001): Five or fifty: How many dimethylsulfide (DMS) oxidation reactions do you need?. Eos Transactions, 82(47):A52D-09 (
  • Conference Proceedings Paper
Five or fifty: How many dimethylsulfide (DMS) oxidation reactions do you need?

Lucas, D., and R.G. Prinn



The oxidation of dimethylsulfide (DMS, CH3SCH3) plays a critical role in the global sulfur cycle because DMS is the largest source of natural atmospheric sulfur and because the products of DMS oxidation may significantly influence Earth's radiative budget. For these reasons it is important for global sulfur models to use a DMS oxidation mechanism that correctly produces oxidized sulfur products under a variety of conditions. However, given the large number of reactions, species, and branches in the DMS oxidation chain, previous global sulfur studies have used highly parameterized versions of the DMS mechanism. We test the capability of these parameterized versions by adding a detailed DMS cycling package to the global 3-D Model of Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry (MATCH). We use MATCH to calculate the sensitivity of oxidized sulfur products to the choice of DMS oxidation mechanism. Two parameterized mechanisms, taken from previous global sulfur studies, and two comprehensive mechanisms based on the Yin \ et \ al. mechanism [Lucas and Prinn, 2001, JGR, under revision], are run in MATCH under identical conditions. We present results showing that DMS and SO2 are relatively insensitive to the mechanism choice, while other species such as H2SO4 and methanesulfonic acid are more dependent on the type of mechanism. We also show the differences in the budgets of the major species in the DMS cycle for two distinct remote marine regions (equatorial and mid-latitude Pacific).