Price Volatility and Stability in Electric Markets

September 12, 2011, 1:00pm

SPEAKERS: Robert Masiello,Innovation Director and Senior Vice President, KEMA;
Jessica Harrison, Principal Consultant, KEMA
Abstract: KEMA has recently developed analyses and simulations of the interaction of new classes of load behavior in energy markets. The analyses include the day ahead, hour ahead, and intra-hour / real time markets and their interactions. The new classes of load behavior include "Dispatchable Demand Response" (under the real time scheduling and control of the market); autonomous Dynamic Price response (load reacting to market prices), and Self Optimizing Customers (with embedded generation/storage who can adjust their hourly load to published day ahead prices). The technical performance of different categories of generation as well as different end use loads (refrigeration, HVAC, water heating, lighting, etc) are considered.
The work exposes price volatility and instability in the different market time periods based on the penetrations of the different load classes. It also explores how market operations can be stabilized if the load elasticity is understood and considered in the market clearing process. The alignment of load dynamic performance (response time, duration of response, etc) with market periodicities is also explored. Some explanation of observed market dynamic behavior can be related to recent MIT work as well as economic theory (the Cobweb theorem) or to simplified feedback systems models and stability criteria.
About the speakers
Ralph D. Masiello, KEMA Innovation Director and Senior Vice President received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Electrical Engineering where he worked on the very early applications of modern control and estimation theory to electric power systems. He has been responsible at KEMA for bulk power (generation, transmission, and market operations) consulting; for IT systems integration and distribution automation / substation automation; and for telecommunications practices. His personal focus in recent years has been the application of Smart Grid and Electricity Storage technologies to system operations. He has developed technology / strategic plans for several market operators, smart grid and automation roadmaps for several US ISOs, and the California Energy Commission.
Dr. Masiello is a Fellow of the IEEE and has served as Chairman Power System Engineering, Chairman of Power Industry Computing Applications, Editorial board of IEEE Proceedings and advisory board of IEEE Spectrum magazine and Power and Energy magazine. He is serving on the US DOE Energy Advisory Committee. He is the recipient of the 2009 IEEE Power Engineering Concordia award for Power System Engineering and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Jessica Harrison is a principal consultant with an interdisciplinary background in market assessments, engineering analysis and public policy, including experience with electricity storage, electric vehicles and demand response. While at KEMA, she has conducted business assessments for companies interested in engaging in markets for innovative technologies such as electricity storage, electric vehicles and demand response. Recent projects of hers include storage market assessments, plug-in electric vehicle grid impact assessments, and an assessment of dynamic pricing in the wholesale market. Jessica has dual Masters of Science degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Technology and Policy and in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and a Bachelors of Science degree in Physics from the University of Michigan.
Co-sponsored by the MIT Energy Initiative and the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS)