China's climate change policy, technologies, and investment in the post-Copenhagen era

February 18, 2010,
3:00pm - 5:00pm

A panel discussion with speakers: Prof. Gang Chen (MIT), Dr. John Parsons (MIT), Prof. Kelly Sims Gallagher (Tufts University and Harvard University), Ms. Amy Corinne Smith (Barclays Capital). Abstract: What is the deadlock between USA and China on climate change cooperation? How to break the deadlock? What's the trend of the carbon market, and the implication for China's investment in clean energy? If you want to discuss any of these interesting questions, or want to hear how some of our experts response, please join us for the MIT China Energy and Environment Research Group (CEER) kick-off event on China's climate change policy, technologies, and investment in the post-Copenhagen era.

Prof. Gang Chen, Warren and Towneley Rohsenow Professor, MIT Mechanical Engineering;
Dr. John Parsons, Executive Director of Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, MIT Sloan Management;
Prof. Kelly Sims Gallagher, Fletcher School, Tufts University, and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University;
Ms. Amy Corinne Smith, Managing Director, Co-Head of Alternative Energy Banking, Barclays Capital

3:00-3:05 pm: Introduction from Co-presidents Lei Chen and Yingxia Yang
3:05-3:15 pm: Opening remark (Prof. Gang Chen)
3:15-4:15 pm: Panel discussion: China’s climate change policy, technologies, and investment in the post-Copenhagen era
4:15-5:00: Social with free fruit, beverage and refreshment

Event co-sponsored by the China Energy and Environment Research Group (CEER); MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI); and MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR)