IAP: Climate Change 102: Recent Developments in U.S. Climate Policy Legislation

January 20, 2010,
2:00am - 4:00pm

MIT Independent Activities Period - U.S. climate policy is on the move—the Waxman-Markey Bill passed the House last spring, and before you could say Kerry-Boxer the Senate had a bill too! Wondering what these landmark bills are made of, but don’t have time to sift through 1,400 pages of legalese? Come learn about the substance and potential impacts of these recent developments in U.S. climate policy. Led by Jennifer Morris.

"Climate Change" is a three session series on climate policy issues, including Climate Change 101: Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy (Jan 19, 2-4pm), and a two-part Climate Change 103: Issues in Climate Policy - Technological Change and Biofuels (Jan 21, 2-4pm). Each presentation is designed to stand alone.

These activities are organized and presented by graduate students affiliated with the Global Change Program. Other activities sponsored by the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change include a two-part series Climate Science I: Paleoclimate to the Present (Jan 12, 2-4pm), and Climate Science II: Introduction to Climate Modeling (Jan 14, 2-4pm).