Facing the Harsh Realities: Shaping the Energy Mix of the Future, Starting Today

October 29, 2009,
4:15pm - 5:15pm

Tony Hayward, CEO of BP plc., will address the tough policy and investment choices involved in navigating towards a lower-carbon world. How will the energy mix evolve in transportation and power generation? What technologies are available? And what actions do governments need to take to create the right framework for a sustainable future? Hayward will seek to stimulate an informed policy debate in an area where half- truths and misinformation too often hold the field.

Abstract: In the 20th century, low cost, abundantly available energy enabled global prosperity and development. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century — as living standards rise and urban populations expand — satisfying ever-growing demand in a sustainable way has become the world's biggest challenge. We need a more diverse energy mix which enables energy security and helps address the issue of climate change. Alternative energy sources have an important role to play, but the long investment lead times in the energy business mean they will take decades to be deployed at scale. We have to face the fact that fossil fuels will continue to supply the overwhelming bulk of our energy needs for decades to come.

About the Speaker: Tony Hayward joined BP, one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, in 1982 as a rig geologist. Following a series of technical and commercial roles in Europe, Asia and South America, he held roles as Director of BP Exploration and Group Treasurer before being appointed CEO of Exploration & Production. Tony joined the main board of BP in 2003 and was appointed Group Chief Executive in May 2007. He is also a member of the MIT Energy Advisory Board, the Business Council of Britain, Chair of GLOBE CEO Forum for Climate Change and a Trustee of the Emirates Foundation.