Interactive Icebergs in a coupled GCM: A new player in modeling ice-ocean interactions

May 22, 2009,
12:10pm - 1:00pm

Dr. Torge Martin of Princeton University and GFDL. Abstract: The IPCC AR4 states that global coupled climate models (GCMs) should consider dynamic-thermodynamic ice sheets in the future, and that at least half of the mass loss from the large ice sheets, roughly 2000 GT of freshwater per year, appears in the form of icebergs. We couple dynamic-thermodynamic lagrangian particle icebergs to GFDL's next generation GCM in order to achieve a realistic distribution of freshwater input to the ocean from melting land ice. I will present results of first runs showing effects on ocean surface salinity and temperature, deep water formation and on the sea ice cover. (Martin's webpage) This talk is an addition to the regular weekly (Wednesday) EAPS climate and oceanography Sack Lunch Seminar series.