News + Media

In The News
MIT Spectrum | Jun 06, 2016
Modeling the diverse world of phytoplankton opens up a predictive view of our own
Hurricane Javier (Source: NASA/JPL)
In The News
Bloomberg | Jun 06, 2016
Climate scientists disagree on the impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation—a 25-to-40-year cycle of cooling and warming of the Atlantic Ocean—on the frequency of hurricanes. Some expect the AMO to drive cooler sea surface temperatures and fewer hurricanes in coming decades, but others do...
In The News
MIT News | May 27, 2016

Joint Program faculty model health benefits, economic costs of energy and climate policies

Research from MIT's Institute for Data, Systems, and Society uses data and models to better design and predict the outcomes of technologies and policies in the critical area of energy and environmental sustainability.
In The News
Washington Post | May 26, 2016

Joint Program Research Associate Howard Herzog on the future of carbon capture and sequestration

On the path to a low-carbon economy, most experts agree that a variety of strategies will be needed, from the dramatic expansion of wind and solar power to electrification or better biofuels for cars and planes. Some technologies remain more controversial than others, however. Carbon capture and...
Around Campus
MIT News | May 20, 2016

Led by World Bank and IMF, coalition seeks to price emissions to tackle climate change

MIT has formally joined the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, a global partnership of governments, businesses, and civil society organizations working together with the goal of applying a price on carbon emissions, the...
News Release • China Energy & Climate Project
May 19, 2016
Analyzing coal and energy caps as carbon policy instruments for China

While China is currently moving ahead with a national carbon market covering large emitters, an ongoing question remains whether and how the country might also directly restrict the use of coal to tackle the triple threat of air pollution, climate change and energy insecurity. One option under...

In The News
Fortune | May 18, 2016

The energy giant signals a change in its thinking

Royal Dutch Shell is creating a new unit specially for renewables and alternative energy, but it continues to insist that its current business of burning hydrocarbons is under no threat from global policies to mitigate climate change.
News Release
May 17, 2016
Why some states could be impacted more than others

How much will your cost of living rise if a price is put on carbon? According to a new study in The Energy Journal, the answer may depend on where you live—and how policymakers define who’s ultimately responsible for human-made carbon emissions.

News Release
May 12, 2016

Joint Program immerses MIT Open House visitors in climate science and policy

In The News
MIT News | May 10, 2016

Grad student Jesse Jenkins and professor Valerie Karplus discuss challenges of emissions pricing in a new paper

In a new working paper titled "Carbon pricing under binding political constraints," MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society doctoral candidate Jesse Jenkins and Sloan School of Management Assistant Professor Valerie Karplus discuss the political obstacles facing efforts to price carbon...
