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MIT Climate CoLab presents innovative approach at UN international climate talks
in Morocco
Accounting for year-to-year variability enables more accurate projections of climate change and its impacts

At UN Climate Change Conference, MIT researchers share insights on implementing climate commitments
Last year, participants in the Paris Agreement on climate change expressed the shared global objective of limiting temperature rise, with each party to the agreement laying out its intended national contributions to addressing climate change. At this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP22)...

Why it so hard for human beings to address climate change? What can motivate effective action?

MIT: Emissions Trading for Transport = EU’s Cheapest Means of Reducing Transport Emissions; EU officials reportedly receptive to Joint Program study’s findings

How an enhanced cap-and-trade system can help the world’s top carbon emitter cut emissions and improve air quality

Richard Alley delivers 2016 Carlson Lecture on the physics of glaciers and how ice sheets capture a history of the world’s climate

Sea levels are rising, but he’s trying to bring coal back