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john reilly
Recent Event
Ahead of the World Energy Conference (WEC) in Daegu, South Korea, Siemens is hosting a series of panels throughout the world as part of a "Road to Daegu" series. The results of this exciting journey through the energy systems of the world will be presented at the WEC on October 13-17.  Joint...
In The News
MIT News Office | Jul 09, 2013
With global warming, a study finds, tropical cyclones may become more frequent and intense.
Jul 09, 2013

Ahead of the World Energy Conference (WEC) in Daegu, South Korea, Siemens is hosting a series of panels throughout the world as part of a "Road to Daegu" series. The results of this exciting journey through the energy systems of the world will be presented at the WEC on October 13-17. 


The Energy Collective | Jul 09, 2013

This is the first post of a multi-part series on Transforming China’s Grid, where Michael Davidson will be critically examining China’s efforts to reinvent and decarbonize its power sector and related energy goals. He begins with China’s efforts to create provincial and city-level carbon trading pilots as well as major obstacles to establishing a national system that can link with other ETS markets.

By Michael Davidson China’s first mandatory carbon emissions trading system (ETS) pilot debuted last month before a packed auditorium in the southern city of Shenzhen. China’s first official carbon trade was greeted with fanfare and a well-choreographed script of climate officials. Shenzhen is the...
In The News
TIME | Jul 09, 2013

Existing research suggests that hurricanes could become stronger but less frequent thanks to climate change. But a new study says both could happen.

(Also covered by USA...
In The News
AP | Jul 08, 2013

A new study links heavy air pollution from coal burning to shorter lives in northern China.

(Also covered by WSJ...
Recent Event • China Energy & Climate Project
Link to Article | Jun 27, 2013
Chinese policymakers, senior academics, and more than 100 researchers, scientists and industry leaders gathered last week for the Second Annual Stakeholders Meeting of the Tsinghua-MIT China Energy and Climate Project (CECP).  At the yearly gathering, participants reflected on the state of climate...
electricity meter
In The News
Energywire | Jun 26, 2013
By: Joel Kirkland and Peter Behr June 26, 2013 President Obama's plan to use a mixture of mandates and flexible regulation to cut greenhouse gas emissions is being viewed by energy industry experts through an age-old axiom: The devil is in the details. The plan appears to be a shot in the arm for...
