Center News & Outreach

Recent Event
MIT Energy Night | Oct 19, 2015
News Brief
Oct 14, 2015

Joint Program's Sergey Paltsev addresses topic at Sabanci University 

News Release
Oct 07, 2015

How Much Can They Deliver and at What Cost?

News Release
Sep 29, 2015

How manmade aerosols can alter rainfall in the world’s most populous region

News Brief
MIT News | Sep 17, 2015

Proposal takes aim at Rwanda's air pollution 

News Release
MIT News | Aug 31, 2015
News Release
Aug 31, 2015

EPA uses scenarios to evaluate gains for agriculture, health and other global concerns

News Brief
Apr 17, 2015

Discussion with MIT researchers focuses on issues in ongoing international climate negotiations. 

3 Questions
MIT News | Apr 17, 2015

MIT graduate student studies how a new UN treaty could affect mercury emissions from coal power plants in Asia

News Release
Jan 15, 2015

MIT study evaluates the impacts of a large-scale bioenergy ramp-up.
