Joint Program In the News
The rollout of this central data “dashboard,” called Energize_MIT, is the latest in a series of steps implementing the goals and commitments set out in MIT’s 2015 Plan for Action on Climate Change, which draws on MIT Joint Program expertise.
Using detailed data from firms in China, Germany, and the United Kingdom, Karplus will investigate what characteristics of firms determine how policy affects production costs and firm competitiveness. Earlier seed grant led to U.S. EPA funding for Noelle Selin and Susan Solomon's project...
1. Is it appropriate for investors to hedge against market exposure by placing capital into technologies that result in cleaner burning fossil generation?
2. Will private and public investors accept the risk and continue on a path of cheap fossil fuels, or increase holdings toward the 20-...
Inglis made the case for a “tax swap”: implementing a tax on carbon while offsetting its revenues with a reduction in income or payroll taxes. This way, Inglis said, the U.S. can unleash a wave of clean energy innovation, driving down planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions without harming...
Paper: Philip J. Wolfe, Amanda Giang, Akshay Ashok, Noelle E. Selin, and...