News + Media: Energy Transition
Evaluation of land resources by the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization suggest availability of arable land itself is not a major constraint on food production at least through mid-century, assuming continued yield improvements. There are, however, some wild cards that could vastly impact agriculture in the coming decades.
2015 Energy and Climate Outlook Sees COP21 as Progress, with More Work Ahead
Panel of MIT experts explores the promise and perils of a global agreement
Professors Henry Jacoby and Valerie Karplus (MIT Sloan School of Management) and their collaborator, professor Xiliang Zhang (Tsinghua University; MIT-Tsinghua China Energy & Climate Project) speak at this event. Addressing an audience of COP21 attendees, MIT alumni, current students, and others, they discussed how China’s actions coming out of COP21 could help shape the future global energy system.
Study gauges climate impacts on renewable energy production in southern Africa