Past Events

June 10, 2011
Pedro DiNezio, University of Miami/RSMAS
June 09, 2011
On Thursday, June 9, the MIT Energy Initiative will present a briefing on the final report of the MIT study on the Future of Natural Gas. The briefing will be led by the study co-chairs – Professor Henry Jacoby (Sloan Management School), Mr. Tony Meggs (MIT Visiting Engineer), and Professor Ernest J. Moniz (Director of the MIT Energy Initiative) – as well as other members of the study group.
May 02, 2011
Speaker: Peter Adams, Carnegie Mellon University [speaker's website] Organic aerosol chemistry and aerosol-cloud interactions are currently two major areas of aerosol research. Ultimately, success in these areas depends on our understanding of the global budgets of organic aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), respectively. This talk will highlight progress made in developing global model capabilities to model these budgets and quantitatively evaluate model predictions against state-of-the-art observations.
May 02, 2011
Speaker: Leo Kadanoff, University of Chicago [speaker's website] Worthwhile computer simulations are done to explore uncharted territory, resolve a well-posed scientific or technical question, or to make a design choice. Some excellent work is reviewed Some less happy stories are recounted. I then concentrate my attention upon astrophysical simulations, showing how they can explore possible scenarios for stellar explosions.
