Past Events

December 15, 2011
In association with the Provost's Office, the MIT Environmental Research Council (ERC) is pleased to present this Forum for the greater MIT community as a showcase to complement the release of its report "Implementing the MIT Global Environment Initiative: The Science of Living on Earth." Speakers will include the Provost, members of the ERC and other faculty engaged in research with environmental applications. Ample opportunity for audience questions and comments will be provided, culminating with an hour of open discussion to end the day.
December 14, 2011
Daniel Yergin is a highly respected authority on energy, international politics, and economics. Dr. Yergin is a Pulitzer Prize winner and recipient of the United States Energy Award for "lifelong achievements in energy and the promotion of international understanding." He is both a world-recognized author and a business leader, as Chairman of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA).
December 14, 2011
Charles Fishman is one of America's most celebrated investigative journalists, specializing in business innovation and social responsibility.
December 13, 2011
This talk will describe the tremendous potential benefits of shale gas and the environmental challenges posed by shale gas production. John Deutch will review the work of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Shale Gas Subcommittee, which he chaired, including the recommendations, the reasons for these recommendations, and the lessons to be learned from the experiences of this unusual advisory committee.
December 12, 2011
Speaker: Greg Hakim (U-Washington)
December 06, 2011
Prof. William W. Hogan from Harvard Kennedy School will join us to discuss electricity sector's role in addressing climate change through improved efficiency, development of renewable energy, and use of low-carbon fuels--which creates expanded demands for and of electricity restructuring.
