Rapid, Flexible Simulations to Aid Climate Negotiations

April 14, 2009,
4:15pm - 5:15pm

Prof. John Sterman of the MIT Sloan School of Management will describe and demonstrate the Climate-Rapid Overview and Decision Support Simulator (C-ROADS), a user-friendly, interactive computer model of the climate system. The model has been tested against and is consistent with a wide range of large-scale climate and coupled climate/carbon-cycle models across a wide range of scenarios, yet runs quickly enough to be used in the context of real-time climate negotiations and briefings. This rapid cycle time enables even lay users to compare and contrast various proposals and to explore their sensitivity to assumptions. Professor Sterman will describe the structure of the C-ROADS, compare it to more complex models, and discuss how it is being used by policymakers and others to inform their efforts with solid science. John Sterman is the Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management, and Director of the MIT System Dynamics Group. This event is one of three Spring Seminars sponsored by the MIT Earth System Initiative.