MIT Independent Activities Period - "Intro to Climate Science" is a two session series of presentations to cover the fundamentals of climate science: one presentation covering the past and the other the present (and into the future). Session I will cover paleoclimates, variations in the climate over longer time periods (interannual and longer), and the history and development of climate science. Each talk is designed to stand alone. Session I is led by Rebecca Walsh Dell. Session II is on January 8 (2-4pm) and will cover contemporary climate science, including how we use GCMs, feedbacks, some debunking of popular climate myths, and the current state of the art of climate prediction.
These activities are organized and presented by graduate students affiliated with the Global Change Program. Other activities in this series sponsored by the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change include a Discussion of U.S. Climate Policy (Jan 14, 2-4pm) and a Panel Discussion on Opportunities for Action on Climate Change (Jan 21, 4:30-6:30pm).