Gulf of Mexico Spill: What Have We Learned?

November 30, 2010,
12:00pm - 1:00pm

Dr. Dave Rainey and Mr. Mick Leary, BP, Houston, Texas

For months, the efforts of a diverse team of scientists, technologists, and engineers to cap the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico and minimize the effects of the spill have been top of the news agenda worldwide. While the spill is no longer in the news, the team continues to work toward understanding the incident so that measures can be taken to prevent similar events in the future.

BP's Dave Rainey has been at the heart of BP's response and will offer insights into the complexities of deepwater exploration and how this incident has brought together the best of many science and engineering disciplines.

Dave Rainey studied Geology at Royal Belfast Academical Institution and the University of Edinburgh obtaining his PhD in 1980. In a career spanning 30 years with BP, Dave has worked in operations, subsurface, exploration, and field development roles in the North Sea, Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. In 2005 Dave was appointed Vice President, Gulf of Mexico Exploration and Deputy Chair of BP's Global Exploration Forum.

Mick Leary earned a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology in 1980. Mick has worked for ARCO and BP in a variety of engineering, operations and leadership roles in Drilling and Completions in the United States China, Vietnam, Algeria and the United Kingdom over his career. He was a technical advisor on source control to Unified Area Command during the Gulf of Mexico Response.
EAPS Department Lecture Series Special Seminar