The Future of the Oceans Workshop: Building a New Agenda for Ocean Research and Education

December 02, 2010,
8:00am - 5:00pm

Speakers: Michael Triantafyllou, Carl Wunsch, Penny Chisholm, John Marshall, John Leonard, Dara Entekhabi and others.
The critical role that oceans play in climate and the health of the planet is undeniable. Recent events in the Gulf of Mexico amply demonstrate the pressing need to better monitor and actively protect the oceans, as more and more activities take place across the entire water column. Many MIT faculty and WHOI staff conduct ocean research, which can contribute greatly to safer, wiser, more sustainable use of the oceans.

The goal of this workshop is to identify a new agenda for a coordinated research and education "hub" on ocean science and engineering within the broader context of the MIT initiative on global environment now being designed by the Environmental Research Council.

The workshop is organized around three major themes -- Oceans, Climate and Environment, Life in the Oceans, and Ocean Resource and Energy Use -- which represent the breadth of current research at MIT and WHOI, and provide a framework within which to address the many critical issues facing our oceans today. Each session will consist of several key topical presentations followed by discussions. An afternoon discussion forum will provide an opportunity for all participants to provide input, with the goal of defining what MIT and WHOI can do to enhance the safe use and sustainable health of our oceans.

Participation is open to all MIT and WHOI faculty, research staff and students. Space is limited. Registration is now closed.

8-8:30am — Breakfast and Registration
8:30-8:45am — Welcome and Charge ( Michael Triantafyllou, Dara Entekhabi, John Leonard)
8:45-10:30am — Ocean, Climate and Environment (Chair: Carl Wunsch)
* 8:45 Ocean-Climate/Paleoclimate (Bill Curry)
* 9:10 The Ocean Carbon Cycle, Ecology, and Acidification (Scott Doney)
* 9:35 Ocean, Ice, and Sea-level (Patrick Heimbach)
* 10:00 Coastal Oceans (Ken Brink)
* 12:25 Additional discussion
10:30-10:45am — Break
10:45am-12:30pm — Life in the Oceans (Chair: Penny Chisholm)
* 10:45 Microbial Oceanography (Ed DeLong)
* 11:00 Phytoplankton (Heidi Sosik)
* 11:15 Corals (Janelle Thompson)
* 11:30 Marine Mammals (Peter Tyack)
* 11:45 Pelagic Fishes (Molly Lutcavage)
* 12:00 Acoustic Sensing of Fish Populations (Nick Makris)
* 12:15 Additional discussion
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:15pm — Ocean Resource and Energy Use (Chair: Michael Triantafyllou)
* 1:30 Introduction (Michael Triantafyllou)
* 1:35 Microbe Engineering (Anthony Sinskey)
* 1:50 Field Surveillance and Subsea Completion (Rich Camilli)
* 2:05 Flow Assurance for Oil and Gas Production (Kripa Varanasi)
* 2:20 Upcoming Technologies for Ships (Ahmed Ghoniem)
* 2:35 Renewable Energy (Alex Slocum)
* 2:50 Freak Waves and Environmental Forcing (Dick Yue)
* 3:05 Additional discussion
3:15-3:30pm — Break
3:30-3:45pm — A Policy Perspective (Andy Solow)
3:45-4:45pm — Discussion Forum (Moderated by the session chairs)
4:45-5:00pm — Building a New Agenda for Ocean Research and Education (John Marshall and John Leonard)
5:00-6:00 Reception

Sponsored by the Center for Ocean Engineering; MIT Environmental Research Council; Earth System Initiative; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; MIT/WHOI Joint Program; MIT Sea Grant Program