Exhibit Opening - Rivers of Ice: Vanishing Glaciers of the Himalaya

April 13, 2012,
5:30pm - 7:30pm

The MIT Museum welcomes you to the public unveiling of Rivers of Ice: Vanishing Glaciers of the Greater Himalaya. Take a special opening day tour of the exhibition with MIT faculty and staff knowledgeable about such topics as glaciology, water rights, geology, and then join a fast-paced discussion about how your exhibit experience was influenced by your guide’s scientific perspective. Tours begin at 5:30, with discussion to follow at 6:00.

Presenters include:

Patrick Heimbach, Principal Research Scientist, MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, sharing his perspective as a mountaineer and cryosphere scientist studying physical oceanography
Susan Murcott, Senior Lecturer, MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Enginnering, sharing her perspective concerning water and sanitation in developing countries
Alister Doyle, MIT Knight Journalism Fellow, sharing his perspective as an environmental news correspondent reporting on public policy and climate change
Judy Layzer, Associate Professor, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning, sharing her perspective as a political scientist with expertise in environmental politics and policymaking
Kurt Sternlof, Director of the MIT Earth Systems Initiative, sharing his perspective as a geologist, science journalist, and science writer, and moderating the discussion
Laura Knott, Exhibitions Coordinator at the MIT Museum, sharing her perspective on the development and implementation of the exhibition

For additonal information, check out this news article.